
Signup to become a DeskPal Affiliate!

Do you have an audience of business owners using DNN? Deskpal empowers business owners to build their business without worrying about DNN.

As an affiliate you will earn $10 USD / month for 12 months per customer.

What people are saying

Check out our testimonials page to see what our customers say about the service.

Ready to Sign Up?

We use Infusionsoft to manage affiliates and commissions, after you sign up you will be given a login to the system where you can grab banners, swipe emails and links. In conjunction with our 30 day money back guarantee, all referral commissions will be paid out after 30 days of account activation. If you have any questions feel free to email us or chat to us below. Sign up below and start making money from your referrals!


Q: How do I get paid?

A: You will get the affiliate commission payment sent to your PayPal account 30 days after the client has made the payment.

Q: Where do I get marketing materials like banners and email templates?

A: You can login with your affiliate account in your Partner's Back Office. You'll find promotional tools you can use to maximize your own success working with us! You will find Swipe Emails that you can use immediately, as well as banners.

Q: What if the client cancels their account, what will happen to my commissions?

A: You will receive affiliate commissions as long as the client keeps the account open for a maximum of 12 months.

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